Global Hiking Trips

Zion National Park

Advice and recommendations for hiking trips and travels, worldwide

Hi!  Welcome to Global Hiking Trips!  We want to give you all the information you need to plan your next hiking trip anywhere in the world.  Hiking is a great activity to experience the outdoors, visit new places, remain active, and experience the beauty of nature.  Planning a hiking trip requires time and effort to prepare and get the full experience.  This site is meant to help with all stages.

Global Hiking Trips is meant for casual hikers (no plans for climbing K2 or El Capitan here).  The goal is to encourage everyday people to spend more time on hiking trails in different parts of the world.  The aim is to provide you with all the information for your trip, from starting a plan and picking a place to getting equipment and gear to setting up a hiking plan for the actual trip.  There will be discussions of specific travel destinations for outdoor hiking destination and trails for a trip. 

The site will have several sections to be developed over time (so keep coming back for more information!).  The basics sections will overview why go on a hiking trip and what should be considered when choosing where to travel and when to travel.  Further articles will discuss the travel equipment needed to go on a hiking trip and an overview of what to expect.  Then there will be sections reviewing various hiking destinations that are popular.  Potential travelers can get an idea of where they want to go based on some of the itinerary suggestions.  We’ll include as much rich media and suggestions for more information as possible to help people on the journey to plan a hiking trip.  Lastly, there will be news discussion and feature guests to discuss travel. 

Please visit the other tabs to see what there is to offer.  We hope you enjoy the “journey” through Global Hiking Trips!

featured Canyonlands National Park

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Global Hiking Trips
Chicago, IL

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